This handmade Book of Disquiet, unbound and printed on ephemera, is beautifully executed and true to the spirt of Pessoa’s essential collection. The lavishly illustrated “behind-the-scenes” blog is engrossing.
At the other end of the bookmaking spectrum: 3D printing is tackling what may be its biggest challenge yet: the humble book.
There are never enough tiny pies! → How a pocket-sized snack changed the English language
“…an intricate type map of the capital teeming with infamous fictional characters from London’s literary past and present.” → Lose yourself in this beautiful literary map of London
So many tasty visual treats. → 2017 Sony World Photography Award Winners & Shortlist
A fantastic New York Times multimedia feature on the late Chuck Berry. Lavish listening. → Before & After Chuck Berry
Laughing and crying is the appropriate response. → There are people who spend their time yelling at the Mars Curiosity rover on Twitter
My Fully Optimized Life Allows Me Ample Time to Optimize Yours
“A commander with a history of depression created a unique way to keep his soldiers from killing themselves. The Army had other ideas.” → The General Who Went to War On Suicide
Today in 1982, Argentina invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands, starting the Falklands War which would incur 1,010 British—and 2,306 Argentinian—casualties before the latter surrendered after 74 days of fighting. Argentina continues to maintain that the Falklands, a Crown colony since 1841, belong under their rule. Not only was this claim never explicitly relinquished, but in 1994 was enshrined in the Argentinian constitution.