The 2017 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year prize winners are all wonderfu…but the grand prize winner is extraordinary.
Powell’s Compendium of Readerly Terms contains punny entries such as wordigo, readultery, camareaderie and many (well, 39) more. [Thanks, Reader S.!] || See also, a punny bonus.
Did you know Banksy operates an “art hotel” in Bethlehem? Open for the year of 2017, at least. It’s just as—Banksian—as you’d expect. → The Walled Off Hotel
The British Library flickr account has more than a million (1,023,714 images in over 1000 albums at the time of writing) free images for your browsing pleasure. Clamorites might enjoy starting with Book Covers, Illustrated Letters & Typography, Ghosts & Ghoulish Scenes and Maps, found by the community.
I’m not sold on the sales pitch for the book, but I do love writing letters…and combining letter writing with random acts of kindness sounds like fun. You can play too! → Secret Letters to Strangers Month – Global Kindness Initiative
You might remember the beautiful Keaton Music Typewriter shared here a few years ago (because you memorize every link, right?). Turns out there is one for sale for just $12,000. || See also: a ► video demo of the typewriter in action.
I once gave a presentation that changed my own life…and it involved automatons, simulacra, technology and we, the ghosts in the machine. So the mechanical age “pre-history” of artificial intelligence fascinates me. And hopefully you. → Frolicsome Engines: The Long Prehistory of Artificial Intelligence
The ghostly radio station that no one claims to run. Via [Reader B.], who adds, “Bonus for the Dead Hand theory.”
Today in 1991, Tim Berners-Lee publishes a short summary of his new “World Wide Web” project to a public USENET news group (remember those?), describing a “world” that consisted of “documents and links” that could be “clicked by a mouse” to follow links to “other documents.” Today you can navigate 8K porn with your voice and pay with BitCoin while bots concoct a custom fake news stream just for you. Ah, progress.