Such a great idea, art rifling and rummaging through the everyday. → Shawn Huckins – Paint Chips series
Ever wondered “How many giraffe’s necks equal the length of the Weinermobile” or “How many kegs of beer could the New York City sewer system carry per day?” Then the Weird Converter is for you.
MIT claims to have found a “language universal” that ties all languages together :: Also: the original paper on which the article is based (PDF).
Wow! This could be where consciousness is formed? → A giant neuron has been found wrapped around the entire circumference of the brain
Love this site collecting examples of the (dying art of) movie/cinema/play tickets. → Tickets Please!
I’d heard a bit about his early racist cartoons, but this piece lays out the history and asks a reasonable question → Can We Forgive Dr. Seuss?
Eight days a week? → The Case for Eating Weed at Work
Today in 1946 at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, USA, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivers his “iron curtain” speech (which he had titled “The Sinews of Peace”), essentially inaugurating the Cold War. “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent,” Churchill proclaimed, noting the importance of “a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States” to fighting the “fifth columns” that “constitute a growing challenge and peril to Christian civilisation.” :: Also, read or listen (mp3) to the full speech. :: Also, I feel compelled to note that today in 1979 Voyager I made its closest approach to Jupiter and it is National Tree Planting day in Iran. In my head these are all connected.