“This is one day’s observations from Himawari-8, a Japanese weather satellite, animated in a loop. It shows the western Pacific, Australia, and parts of Asia, Antarctica, and Alaska as they looked on one day in mid-2015. It covers 24 hours in 12 seconds—a time lapse factor of 7,200×.” → Glittering Blue + A New and Stunning Way to See the Whole Earth
Oh, Merdle! → What the Deuce: The Curse Words of Charles Dickens.
Squick!, which leads me to the Wisdom of Repugnance, coined in 1977 in an article on cloning by Robert Klass, which is broken down clearly and logically by Don Berkich.
A powerful, lavishly illustrated story → Photographer Documenting the Homeless Discovers Her Own Father Among Them
On Not Reading shows that even a Dean at Yale like Amy Hungerford can be, as Shakespeare coined it, a lack-brain. Tom LeClair gives her proudly ignorant manifesto the thrashing it deserves.
The Fascinating Story Behind Why So Many Nail Technicians Are Vietnamese (hint: it involves Tippi Hedren and it was no accident).
Literary award offers $100,000 for books which have yet to be written
The Guide to Digitized Natural History Collections should keep your browser busy for a while.
A “radical burger joint” in Watts makes for an intriguing story of culture, food and conflict. → The People’s Cheeseburger
Today from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. it is Mole Day, commemorating ► Avogadro’s Number (6.02 x 10^23 — get it?), a basic unit of measurement in chemistry. If your chemistry skills are rusty, it’s basically this: one mole of any substance contains Avogadro’s Number of molecules or atoms of that substance. I can’t tell you how many times this tidbit has come in handy in my life. Also, today is the birthday of myself and, more importantly (literally and figuratively), my Grandma Lori…happy birthday, us!