kenspeck(le) /KEN-spek(-əl)/. adjective. Of remarkable appearance; easily recognizable, distinctive, conspicuous. Interestingly, the origin isn’t related to that of the word conspicuous, as one might expect, but instead derives from the Old Norse kennispeki, meaning the faculty of recognition (see also: Norwegian kjennespak and Swedish känspak, quick at recognizing persons or things).
“As kenspeck as a cock on a church broach.” (F.K. Robinson)
“The immediate front of a battle is a bit too public for any one to lie hidden in by day, especially when two or three feet of snow make everything kenspeckle.” (John Buchan)
“I grant ye, his face is kenspeckle,
That the white o’ his e’e is turn’d out,
That his black beard is rough as a heckle,
That his mou’ to his lug ‘s rax’d about” (James Nicol)